Friday, April 4, 2008


I hate goodbyes but it is one thing we gonna face as long as we are in this world. I have said goodbyes to many important people in my life. Some I met them again, and few never again.

My first goodbye was with my family before I left for Ooty to pursue my higher secondary education. I was at home until then, so it was hard but I did it without a drop of tear in my eyes.

Another goodbye followed in the next two years with whom I shared my dormitory in hostel for a couple of years. They were like a sister to me. I never got a chance to meet anyone of them anymore. I still miss them.

Conan Merry was my friend, a little more than a friend to me. He left me and our memories, heading home, never to come back. I haven't seen him again since October 2001. I cried for months missing him.

And then goodbye to Sosang after being together for five years. He made my life in Bangalore worth a living. He was my boy-friend and my best friend. But he gotta go back home, leaving me. I felt terrified thinking my life here without him and I still miss him alot.

This is the hardest part I have faced. Rebecca (my elder sister) was here with me for the past two years. I was doing fine even those days when I was alone but now I got used to that life where I can depend on her, make decisions with her, hang out with her and even a fight with her. Two years with her just went like this. We have struggled alot together, yet we still enjoyed our simple life. We sometimes have misunderstanding but never last more than an hour, that was the sweetest part of all. Now I am alone, I feel lost. I don't know when will I feel normal again and get used to the lonely life I once had, 2 years back. She soon will be Mrs. Chinzah in few months, I wish her all the best in her marriage life.

I wished all these special people in my life with whom I have bid goodbyes, a very best of luck in years to come.

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