I never possessed one on my own until last year. During the ‘90s, bicycles were ridden mostly by boys who are still too young to have their own bikes. So, to be in a safe side and to avoid being a tomboy I never try to have one. (I always like to stay girlish).
And how I got my first bicycle was a little romantic to me. My boy friend (a bicycle fan too) gave me his, after he was promoted from cycle to bike. It was kind of old and needed a little bit of repair. But I was so interested in getting it repair. I went from one corner to the other corner of the city, buying stuffs and repairing MY cycle. But one fine morning I could not believe what I see because I saw an empty space where I usually parked my cycle. Someone had stolen it and I lost my cycle. I was so upset because that cycle meant a lot to me.
It been almost a year now and new thoughts came to my mind. Is it time to get promoted from cycle world to a higher version of cycle where a real engine is involved? I am still thinking. And I thought, I have all the time in the world to get one so meanwhile why not try for a driving school for better practice and get Learner’s License (LL). So I made up my mind to go as my plan.
On my first two days of class, I was taught the theory part of driving: the hand signals, the traffic signals and traffic signs. I was not new to all these, being in a metro city almost for a decade. And eventually I got my LL after attending an oral test with the RTO officers in Koramangala,
I had my first practical ride the following week and I felt awesome. I need not paddle to force the THING to keep into motion. It actually moved with my feet up high above the ground. I was too excited about the whole thing and that day was the one day wherein I smiled almost for the entire morning. I haven’t completed my training yet and I in fact have 8 more days to go. Very soon, I am expecting myself to pamper my own cycle with a real engine